In the Foundations in Personal Finance high school (4th edition) course, all of the PDF chapter activities are fillable PDFs. Students no longer need to print and do the activities by hand. Students can now fill in the activity PDFs right on their computer.
Please Note: While we have made every effort to ensure intended functionality, because the opening and saving of PDFs uses third party applications outside of our platform, we cannot ensure intended functionality on all devices.
- Google Chrome is the recommended application to view and edit the fillable PDFs.
On the Ramsey Classroom Activity pages there will be a download button to open the PDF and a submit button for the students to indicate the work has been completed. Students will still need to save and turn in the PDF activity to the teacher for grading via email submission, uploading to Google Drive or similar cloud storage system as provided by the school.
- Please Note: The "save draft" button on the Ramsey Classroom Activity page does not save student answers typed into the PDF. Only clicking save on the PDF itself will save any work currently in the PDF.
On the Ramsey Classroom Activity page the student can click the indicator that the work has been turned in and click the Submit button. Then an entry will appear in the teacher's gradebook with a pending grade. Each activity will be worth 25 points. Teachers are able to review, edit and return the score to the students once they have confirmed completion of the activity.