If you already have an active account and are needing to enroll in a new or additional class, just sign in at Ramsey Classroom, click the "Join Another Class" button at the bottom of your dashboard, and enter your new class code.
If you are a new user, from the Ramsey Classroom sign in page you can click Create an Account.
- If you are taking the class through your Middle School or High School, or are being directed to sign in to the Foundations Digital College course, your teacher or administrator should have provided you with a class code.
- If you are needing access to the Foundations College streaming videos, enter the class/voucher code from your voucher access card that came with your student textbook.
- If you have an older Foundations Self-Study course code enter the unused class/voucher code associated with your purchase.
Enter your first and last name, the password you want to use, agree to the terms, verify there are no typos, and continue through to create your account.
Once you are signed in you will see your class on the Dashboard. Click on "Class Content" to access the course curriculum.
NOTE: This article applies to > Teacher-Led Classes > Self-Study Users