Canvas Registration/Deployment for Admins
1. As a Canvas Admin, click Admin. Then select the account you would like to use the TCC package for.
2. Select Developer Keys.
3. Click + Developer Key, and select + LTI Key.
4. Set the fields as follows:
- Key Name: Your choice (suggested: Foundations in Personal Finance)
- Owner Email: Your email address
- Redirect URIs:
5. Under Configure, set the fields as followed:
- Method: Paste JSON
- LTI 1.3 Configuration: (Double click in the field below to ensure you replace the existing curly braces. Then Copy/Paste)
"title": "Foundations in Personal Finance 4th Edition",
"description": "This is the 4th Edition of Foundations in Personal Finance.",
"target_link_uri": "",
"scopes": [
"public_jwk_url": "",
"oidc_initiation_url": "",
"extensions": [
"platform": "",
"settings": {
"placements": []
"domain": ""
6. Click Save.
7. Find the tool you just created on the developer keys screen and change the state to active.
8. Under Details, copy the number above the Show Key button to your clipboard. This is your Client ID. You will need this in the next portion of the registration. You will also need to save this to send to our team so we can move forward with our portion of the registration.
9. Click Settings in the side navigation.
10. Select Apps on the top navigation.
11. Click View App Configurations.
12. Click + App
13. Click the dropdown under Configuration Type and select By Client ID.
14. Paste the Client ID you copied before into the Client ID field and click Submit.
15. Click Install
16. Once installed, you will see your new tool in the “External Apps” list with any other tool configurations you have.
17. On the right side, click the gear icon for the new tool, and select Deployment ID
18. Copy the Deployment ID, the Client ID copied from step 8, and the subdomain of your Canvas instance (see example), and send them to us so that we can complete the registration in our system.
In this example, “yourschool” is the subdomain of the Canvas instance.
Continue to Canvas Thin Common Cartridge Quick Start Guide: Part 2 for TCC Package Upload